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Are you a roadside rescuer?

Are you a roadside rescuer?

by John Moser September 25, 2019

They will just drive by the person with the low tire pressure without a thought….Maybe because they’re busy, maybe because they’re too important, maybe because they think they should have your own tire inflator or maybe because they just don’t give a damn. There are those people who will casually pretend they don’t see someone in distress.

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Top 5 Tire Safety Tips

Top 5 Tire Safety Tips

by john moser February 27, 2019

Tires are probably the most important parts of a safe vehicle. This is mainly because the tires are the only part of your car that touches the roadway.  Tires directly impact your car handling, braking, ride, and most importantly safety. 

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Common Causes for a Flat Tire

Common Causes for a Flat Tire

by john moser February 27, 2019

Having a flat tire is often one of the main inconveniences of driving. Yes, we have all been there. Although none of us likes getting a flat, nearly all drives like the opportunity to do a little detective work and solve the apparent mystery of the missing air!

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